Useful informations
If visitors want to go to Hạ Long Bay by water, travel to Hải Phòng. At the Bính Ferry, there are passenger ships (Tel: +84-313 842 927) to Hạ Long Bay (a 2 to 3-hour trip). Costs 150,000 VND for foreigner and 120,000 VND for Vietnamese.
Daily 4 ferries leave from the dock in Hòn Gai (Tel: +84-333 825 187) for Hải Phòng.
High speed hydrofoil:
Two high-speed hydrofoils run daily between Bai Chay and Mong Cai.
- From Bai Chay depart at 8 AM and 1 PM (at High-Speed Dock). It takes 15 minutes from Mui Ngoc to Mong Cai Town by car.
- From Mong Cai leave for Bai Chay at 9 am and 2 pm (at Mui Ngoc Dock) and arrive in Bai Chay High-Speed Dock and Hon Gai Dock.
A journey in each direction takes about 2 hours, and costs 150,000 VND for foreigner and 100,000 VND for Vietnamese
Ticket booking office in Bãi Cháy, near Bãi Cháy Ferry on Hạ Long Road.
Tel: (84-33) 847 888 - 847 780
Besides that, hydrofoils run between:
- Hạ Long - Hải Phòng
- Hạ Long - Cát Bà
- Hải Phòng - Cát Bà
For more information you can contact with the ticket booking office.
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